FUEL SUBSIDY PROBLEM CONTINUES..... If i may say, its a woe to Nigerian politicians and government officials especially those working together with the president on this issue of fuel subsidy. Now, i would give good reasons why Nigeria is not going to achieve its aim as a result of fuel subsidy removal. Firstly, Nigeria is a country that i may say, 'blessed with incumbent, and unpresidented bribery and corruption'. This problem of corruption has been a huge problem in the nigerian economy and it is a major trate to the masses especially now in this recent time that the problem has menaced and escalated up to the level it is now. Nigerian politicians are so corrupt that infact, 80% of them has sworn not to make Nigeria a better place rather they take our money, lunder them and send them abroad where they go after state service to lavish the money. What a mess? God help us (Nigerians) in this time of distress. There's no transparency in government. Corruption, bribery and misuse of public fund has taken charge of the day... Secondly, Nigeria is still a developing country. Now this term ''developing country'' is what Mr. President and his board of directors do not even understand the meaning. A developing country is a country that has surpassed primitive ways of doing things and is ready to embrace new technological innovations. Goodluck Jonathan has no idea about this, that was why he accepted that decision from the woman (Nkechi). U.S.A. till futher notice can never be compared with upcoming nigeria simply because its developed even moving to over development... Thirdly, there is no job employment in Nigeria, am not sure employment rate in Nigeria is up to 30% nation wide, due to the kind of politicians that we have. Now, labour congress has been on strike because of the issue. Government cannot even pay N18000 minimum wage which is $110 in United states. Nigerian government can't even pay that. What a pity? Now the president is talking about fuel subsidy removal. That is an arant nonsense decision from a president. A wise president can't derregulate when he hasn't enlighten the poor electorate massess, built refineries, create enough jobs for people, pay them, make sure at least 75-80% of the massess are working... In my next article, more things would be revealed to you. I hope you enjoyed it all. Have a nice time.


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